
Kooble Testimonials

Don’t take our word for it. Listen to the voices of your industry.

Marc Crothall MBE
Scottish Tourism Alliance

This could be a game changer especially for Scotland’s independent hotel community and a force for good for Scottish tourism.

From the industry's point of view, we are really challenged with costs and the frustration around having to pay out huge amounts of commission every time we take a booking when using a third party.

Having a platform that allows you to basically take ownership of it, but also save significant amounts of money that you can choose to then reinvest in your product, stay competitive and of course invest in your teams, or at very least not have to borrow any more money from the bank, has got to be a good thing.

It has reach, but it needs scale. And if we all come together around a Scottish brand, then that's only got to be a good thing for Scotland and drives forward our innovation agenda.

Ronnie Somerville
5pm & Kooble founder

We’ve long recognised a glaring issue within the booking market — the overwhelming dependence on colossal international booking conglomerates resulting in exorbitant commissions. It became clear to me that the remedy lies in a cooperative platform, one that is owned by the industry itself.

While previous attempts at creating such a platform were hindered by prohibitive costs and logistical challenges, it struck me that 5pm could be the missing piece of the puzzle.

With its established platform, expert team, and invaluable experience, we have the means to turn this vision into a resounding success.

Together, we can reclaim the revenue that is seeping away from Scotland and its vibrant hospitality trade, to forge a path towards a more prosperous future.

This collaboration will redefine the booking landscape, empower our industry and safeguard the interests of Scotland.

Alex McKie
Fusion Group

This is a no brainer. I feel the time is now right to disrupt the sector with a fairer and customer service driven OTA.

Where technology permits, there’s fundamentally no justifiable reason not to participate in this Scotland wide initiative - everyone wins.

Gordon Morrison
Ex Chief Executive, ASVA

Quite simply, it looks fairer for our sector and crucially, it gives back to our sector, and that has to be good for our industry.

I'm very excited to be working alongside Kooble help the launch of this excellent new platform.

Lynda Gilroy
Sales Manager, Barony Castle & Tontine Hotel

After listening to the webinar, we could see no reason not to join – the opportunity to increase business and to recover a percentage of the commission paid out – what’s not to like?

Jackie Hudson
Revenue Manager, Ten Hill Place

We at Ten Hill Place Hotel are excited to be part of the Kooble launch and are looking forward to a great working relationship. We are keen to promote travel and hospitality within Scotland and how better to do it than with a new Scottish booking platform!

Sean Burke & Paul Brownlie
Hotel Directors, Invercarse Castle

The underlying reason Invercarse Hotel has signed up to Kooble is that commissions are one of the hotel’s biggest overheads, and if we can cut the commission by the smallest margin, it makes absolute sense.

The more hotels who sign up, the more chance we have to save on commissions.

We would encourage every accommodation provider who uses OTA platforms, to sign up.

Sandra Cunningham
Sales Manager, Lodge on Loch Lomond

Joining up as a member with Kooble was an easy choice for us, having worked with the 5pm team over the past 10 years on many successful campaigns and given the opportunity of increasing our profit levels and receiving a dividend at the end of each year - we felt it was the perfect opportunity to jump onboard at the launch period. We look forward to continuing to build on the partnership we already have and taking back some margin on commission.

Booking, but better

In every single way. Fairer, cheaper, bolder, braver.

More personal and more prolific, offering up more trips and more experiences that more customers will love.

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